Welcome to the
Bible Presbyterian Church
The Bible Presbyterian Church is dedicated to serving the Lord Jesus Christ. We are serious about the command of Christ to preach the gospel at home and abroad, for God’s elect are to be found among all nations, tongues, and tribes. Our beliefs are firmly grounded in the Bible and we affirm those beliefs through the systematic teaching of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.
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This project is provided to facilitate the study of sound doctrine.
Our Purpose as a Church
Our Lord Jesus Christ gave purpose to this His Church by giving it a commission to go forth in His Name preaching the gospel, to evangelize the lost, while nurturing the saints -- making disciples of all nations, defending the faith. May we bring glory to God our Father by the effective achievement of this His mission for us.
This His Church is fully committed to the system of reformed doctrine as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, along with the basic principles of Presbyterian Government. — Adopted 1987, 51st General Synod