Book of Discipline Chapter 6
Cases Without Full Process
When a person comes before a court as his own accuser, it may proceed to judgment without full process, determining, first, what offense, if any, has been committed, and, if it appears that an offense has been committed, what censure should be pronounced.
Members may be removed from the membership at their own request by informing the Session of their intention to withdraw and their reasons. If a member requests to withdraw because of specific problems or disappointments with the church, the Session may attempt to resolve those matters so that the member may remain in the church and enjoy greater fruitfulness and personal growth. If the Session is unable to resolve those matters, it may offer to assist the member in locating a church of like faith and practice that can respond more effectively to his gifts and needs. If allegations or charges of an offense have been presented to the Session, a request for removal of membership shall not be given effect until the prescribed process has been properly concluded. When a member unites with another church without a certificate of dismission, the Session shall erase his name from the roll and record the reason in its minutes. When a member removes from the bounds of the congregation and cannot be found, the Session may after a time deemed sufficient, but no longer than two years, erase his name from the roll recording the reason in the minutes.
When a minister renounces the jurisdiction of the Bible Presbyterian Church by abandoning his ministry and membership therein, or by declaring himself independent, or by joining another body not deemed heretical without a regular dismission, the presbytery shall erase his name from its roll and record the reason in its minutes. If a minister joins a body deemed heretical, his name shall be erased from the roll and all particular churches, all churches with which this church is in correspondence, and the public generally so far as possible shall be notified that he has ceased to be a minister of this church and has abandoned the faith of the church catholic. When a minister has been absent from the meetings of presbytery for two years and the presbytery after diligent search is unable to find him, his name shall be erased from the roll.
When a minister shall ask to be relieved of the office of the holy ministry, the presbytery shall require him to wait one year, and meanwhile shall labor with him diligently to ascertain whether his proposed action is necessary and proper. If at the end of a year his desire is unchanged and the presbytery is satisfied as to the sufficiency of his reasons, the presbytery shall record the facts in its minutes and erase his name from the roll
Book of Discipline of the Bible Presbyterian Church, General Synod ©1998 Amended by the 55th, 56th, and 58th General Synods of the Bible Presbyterian Church.