Form of Government Chapter 21


  1. Amendments or alterations to the Form of Government (except as provided in section 2 of this chapter), Book of Discipline, and Directory for Worship may be made only in the following manner: the General Synod, after due discussion, may propose changes to the presbyteries, but they shall not be regarded as having constitutional validity until they have been approved in writing by a majority of the presbyteries before the next ensuing Synod; and it shall be the duty of the next ensuing Synod to declare that such changes have been adopted and are in effect. This does not apply to the Form of Government, Chapter XX, sections 4 and 5, which are unamendable. Presbyteries may also overture the General Synod to send down suggested amendments to the Constitution.

  2. Amendments or alterations of the Confession of Faith and Catechisms and of the forms of subscription required of ministers, licentiates, ruling elders, and deacons, as these forms are found in the Form of Government, shall not be regarded as having constitutional validity unless sent down to the presbyteries by a two-thirds vote of the General Synod, approved by two-thirds of the presbyteries in writing, and finally adopted by a two-thirds vote of the General Synod next ensuing. Before any of the changes described in this section are proposed to the presbyteries, the General Synod shall appoint a committee to consider the proposed changes and to report to the next Synod.

  3. None of the provisions of section 2 of this chapter nor of this third section shall be modified except by the process which is set forth in section 2, with the further exception that those parts of the Constitution declared unamendable, cannot be changed in any lawful manner whatsoever.