A Scripture Catechism
in the
Method of the Assembly's
by Matthew Henry
Q. 99. What rule hath God given for our direction in prayer?
A. The whole word of God is of use to direct us in prayer, but the special rule of direction is that form of prayer which Christ taught his disciples, commonly called, The Lord's Prayer.
1. Do we need direction in prayer? Yes: For we know not what we should pray for as we ought, Rom. 8:26. Should we pray to God for direction? Yes: Lord, teach us to pray, Luke 11:1. Hath he given us direction in prayer? Yes: Take with you words, and turn to the Lord, Hos. 14:2.
2. Is the whole word of God of use to direct us. Yes: I will show thee that which is noted in the Scripture of truth, Dan. 10:21. compare 2 Chron. 9:23. Is the Lord's Prayer to be used as a directory for prayer? Yes: After this manner therefore pray ye, Matt. 6:9. And is it to be used as a form of prayer? Yes: When ye pray, say, Our Father, Luke 11:2.