The Presbyterian Standards
Table of Contents
by Francis R. Beattie
Ch 3 - The Doctrine of Holy Scripture (SC 1-3, LC 1-5, WCF Ch 1)
Ch 4 - The Being, Attributes and Persons of the Godhead (SC 4-6, LC 6-11, WCF Ch 2)
Ch 5 - The Decrees, or the Eternal Purpose of God (SC 7-8, LC 12-14, WCF Ch 3)
Ch 6 - Creation and Providence (SC 9-11, LC 15-19, WCF Ch 4-5)
Ch 7 - The Covenant of Works, or of Life (SC 12-13, LC 20-21, WCF Ch 6-7)
Ch 8 - Original Sin (SC 14-19, LC 22-29, WCF Ch 6)
Ch 9 - The Covenant of Grace (SC 20, LC 30-35, WCF Ch 7)
Ch 10 - The Person of Jesus Christ the Mediator (SC 21-22, LC 36-42, WCF Ch 8)
Ch 11 - The Offices of the Mediator: The Prophetic (SC 23-24, LC 41-43, WCF Ch 8)
Ch 12 - The Offices of the Mediator: The Priestly and the Kingly (SC 25-26, LC 44-45 and 55, WCF Ch 8)
Ch 13 - The Humiliation and Exaltation of Jesus Christ (SC 27-28, LC 46-56, WCF Ch 8)
Ch 14 - Man's Free Agency and Ability; Guilt and its Degrees (SC 82-84, LC 149-152, WCF Ch 9)
Ch 15 - Union with Christ; Effectual Calling; Regeneration (SC 29-31, LC 57-60 and 66-69, WCF Ch 10 )
Ch 16 - The Benefits of Redemption: Justification (SC 32-33, LC 70-73, WCF Ch 11)
Ch 17 - The Benefits of Redemption: Adoption and Sanctification (SC 34-36, LC 74-75 and 77-81, WCF Ch 12-13)
Ch 18 - Faith and Repentance (SC 85-87, LC 72-76 and 153, WCF Ch 14-15)
Ch 19 - Good Works; Perseverance; Assurance (SC 36, LC 78-81, WCF Ch 16-17)
Ch 20 - The Law of God; Christian Liberty (SC 39-42 and 82-83, LC 91-98, WCF Ch 19-20)
Ch 21 - The Communion of Saints, and Religious Worship (LC 68; 82-83; 86, WCF Ch 21 and 26)
Ch 22 - The Means of Grace: The Word (SC 88-90, LC 98-99 and 153-160, WCF Ch 19)
Ch 23 - The Means of Grace: The Commandments: The First Table (SC 43-62, LC 101-121)
Ch 24 - The Means of Grace: The Commandments: The Second Table (SC 63-81, LC 122-148)
Ch 25 - The Means of Grace: The Sacraments: General (SC 91-93, LC 161-164, WCF Ch 27)
Ch 26 - The Means of Grace: The Sacraments: Baptism (SC 94-95, LC 165-167, WCF Ch 28)
Ch 27 - The Means of Grace: The Sacraments: The Lord's Supper (SC 96-97, LC 168-175, WCF Ch 29)
Ch 28 - The Means of Grace: Prayer (SC 98-107, LC 178-196, WCF Ch 21)
Ch 29 - The Church and Her Censures (LC 62-65, WCF Ch 25 and 30)
Ch 30 - The Synods and Councils of the Church (WCF Ch 31)
Ch 31 - Lawful Oaths; The Civil Magistrate; Marriage and Divorce (SC 70-72, LC 137-139, WCF Ch 22-24)
Ch 32 - Death and the Middle State (SC 37, LC 84-96, WCF Ch 32)
Ch 33 - The Resurrection and the Judgment (SC 38, LC 87-90, WCF Ch 32-33)
Ch 34 - Summary and Conclusions
Key: Westminster Shorter Catechism (SC), Westminster Larger Catechism (LC), Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF)