Resolution 85-4: Repentance and Forgiveness as it Concerns Abortion

See Resolution 85-3: Roe vs Wade Supreme Court Decision as a related resolution.

Whereas abortion is a violation of the Sixth Commandment, and therefore sin (Ex 20:13, Gen 9:6, Pr 6:16-17, and LC #136), and

Whereas any and all sin requires the just wrath of God (Rm 6:23, 5:12, Eph 5:6, and Mt 12:36), and

Whereas all people are called upon to repent of their sins (Is 55:7, Lk 13:3, 5, Mk 6:12, and Acts 17:30-31), and

Whereas faith in the finished works of Jesus Christ and true repentance brings forgiveness of sin by God and ushers each repentant soul into God’s Kingdom (Mt 3:2, Lk 24:45-47, and Acts 2:38).

Now be it resolved, that we of the 85th General Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church, meeting August 4-8, 2022, in Grand Island, New York, commit ourselves to welcoming those seeking forgiveness and serving those who have participated in the sin of abortion, who have now turned from that sin in repentance and have received forgiveness of sin. We desire our churches to be harbors of safety and refuge from the callous and condemning world for all sinners who flee to Christ.


Resolution 85-5: Resolution Regarding First Amendment Freedom of Religion


Resolution 85-3: Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court Decision