The Shorter Catechism
of the Westminster Assembly
Explained and Proved
from Scripture
by Thomas Vincent
XCIII. Ques. Which are the sacraments of the New Testament?
Ans. The sacraments of the New Testament are baptism and the Lord's supper.
Q. 1. Were there ever any other sacraments used in the Church besides those of the New Testament?
A. Formerly, under the Old Testament, there were other sacraments of use amongst the Jews, and not those of the New Testament.
Q. 2. What were the ordinary sacraments of common use among the Jews under the Old Testament?
A. The ordinary sacraments of common nse amongst the Jews under the Old Testament, were circumcision and the passover; which, since the coming of Christ, are abrogated and abolished, and are no more to be used in the Church under the gospel.
Q. 3. What are the sacraments, then, of the New Testament, which are to be used in the Church under the gospel?
A. The only sacraments of the New Testament, which are to be used in the Church under the gospel, are baptism and the Lord's snpper;— baptism, which is to be received but once, instead of circumcision, for initiation; and the Lord's supper, which is to be. received often, instead of the passover, for nutrition.
Q. 4. What is the doctrine of the Papists concerning the number of the sacraments of the New Testament?
A. The doctrine of the Papists concerning the number of the sacraments is, that there are seven sacraments under the New Testament. Unto baptism and the Lord's supper they add confirmation, penance, ordination, marriage, and extreme unction: which, though some of them are to be used, namely, marriage and ordination, yet none of them in their superstitious way; none of them have the stamp of divine institution to be used as sacraments; none of them are seals of the covenant of grace; and therefore they are no sacraments, but Popish additions, whereby they would seem to make amends for their taking away the second commandment out of the decalogue, as contrary to their image-worship; whereas both such as add and such as take away from God's laws and institutions are under a severer curse than any of the anathemas and curses of the Popish councils. "If any man add to these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life."— Rev. 22:18, 19.