Resolution 64:10 – Memorial Resolution Alford Vincentius
Alford Vincentius was born on October 17, 1918. He was ushered into the presence of the Lord in November 1999. He served in the merchant marine during World War II and then later was a boat contractor. He began attending the Lakeland Bible Presbyterian Church in 1983. He loved the Scriptures, having memorized the books of John, Romans and Ephesians. He was a prayer warrior and an evangelist. He looked forward to the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. He served two terms of three years each as an elder in the Lakeland Church. He was always willing to give testimony to the grace of God in his life. He was considered to be the elder statesman of the church. In his last days, one of his greatest frustrations was that he could not remember a passage of Scripture that he was trying to memorize.
. . .he being dead yet speaketh
(Hebrews 11:4)
Adopted by the 64th General Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church,
meeting in Cincinnati, OH August 3-8, 2000.