RESOLUTION 73:02 – Memorial Resolution for Kenneth Robert Reinhard

Kenneth Robert Reinhard was born in Springville New York on September 25th, 1920.  He grew up in the suburbs of Buffalo and attended Church during that time.  Ken enjoyed sports especially basketball, baseball and football.  He attended Riverside High School and his High School football team won the Harvard Cup Championship in 1936.  He went on to play Semi pro football until he injured his knee.

Ken joined the military in 1939 and because of a disability, he was honorably discharged.  He was later drafted into the army air core in 1943.

Ken followed in his fathers footsteps and went into law enforcement.  He walked a beat in the inner city of Buffalo and served there for 8 years.  He then went on to serve as a State Highway Patrolman and a Parole Officer in Colorado.  He worked for Phillips Petroleum in the state of Mississippi.  He then moved to Ohio where he worked as a bailiff at the Warren County Court and then as a prison guard at the Lebanon Correctional Institute.

Ken and his wife Barb began attending Grace Bible Presbyterian Church in 1981.  Barb passed away in 1985 and Ken married Brenda Becker in 1986.  He served as an Elder at Grace and also led the Keenagers Sunday School.  Ken has been a Godly father and a faithful husband always insisting that his house would serve the Lord.  He was a man faithful to prayer and he loved God’s word.  We rejoice in his salvation and know that he is with the saints.

73rd  General Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church
Bristol, VA • August 6-11, 2009


RESOLUTION 73:03 – Thanks to the Congregation of Ryder Memorial Presbyterian Church


Resolution 64:6 – Resolution of Thanks