RESOLUTION 76:03: On Church Planting
We wish to state our thankfulness to God for the blessing of a new Bible Presbyterian Church in Bonners Ferry, ID.
In Matthew 28:19-21, Jesus gave to His church the Great Commission. The church, in recognizing the authority of her King, is commanded to make disciples of all nations. The church is to do this where the LORD may send her. The Bible makes it clear these disciples are to join together in covenant communities (Acts 2:42 and Hebrews 10:23-25). Those bodies, led by local leaders, likewise take their place in continuing to further the fulfilment of the Great Commission.
It is with great thankfulness to the Almighty LORD that we celebrate the newest addition to our numbers. This mission church is a joint work of Presbyterian Missionary Union and the Great Western Presbytery of the Bible Presbyterian Church under the direction of Dr. Leonard Pine. The mission work held its first public service on September 12, 2010, meeting in the home of Jim and Lisa Angle. On April 2, 2011, a charter roll was established consisting of twelve communicant members and four covenant children. The LORD in His time provided a public meeting place free of charge and later a church building was purchased. The church moved into this location on December 11, 2011. We also thank the LORD for the elections of Elder Stu Willis and a Deacon Tom Allinger on June 9, 2012. We look forward to this body becoming a particular church of the Great Western Presbytery of the Bible Presbyterian Church.
Therefore be it resolved that we, the members of the 76th General Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church, meeting in Lakeland, FL, from August 9 to 14, acknowledge the responsibility we have to plant churches in fulfilment of the Great Commission and to that end we resolve to pray to the LORD of Harvest for more church plants.
Further, be it resolved that we praise the Lord for this new church in Bonners Ferry, ID. We commit to pray for this new work in the years ahead and exhort them not to grow weary in well doing. We trust the LORD will bless this congregation.