Resolution 77-04: Memorial for Elder Ricely Clem “RC” Banks

RC Banks was born on August 19, 1938, and raised in Castlewood, Virginia. He was one of six children. He went home to be with the Lord on January 28, 2012, at the age of 73. RC is survived by his loving wife Joyce, his daughters Janelle, Jeanenne, and Jennifer along with seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. His life was very blessed by the close and loving family that surrounded him constantly. There was always an increased happiness and excitement in his voice as he talked about his family.

After a time in the Air Force he eventually settled in Sharonville where RC served as the Health Commissioner for the City of Sharonville which also allowed him to be active in the Ohio Environmental Health Association. His love for the community and service to the needs of the people even brought him to serve with Meals on Wheels, the Sharonville Republican Club, the Kiwanis Club, and the Hamilton County Park District.

His life was truly marked by the biblical character of having a good report with those outside the faith. He lived blamelessly before the world always exhibiting kindness, love and tenderness to those around him. He was respected by neighbors, ministering to them even while he was fighting the battle with cancer himself. The life he lived before the world was one of true faith. Because of his work and constant volunteering this gave him countless opportunities to bring the cup of cold water to those that were thirsty, and he would do so in the name of Christ.

His life in the church, as he served as an elder, garnered that same respect and love. It can never be doubted that missions was close to his heart. In the gentlest ways his passion for missions could be seen in casual conversations. Kindness toward the people of God was evident and a living memory for those that knew him.

Elder Banks belonged to a generation that faced many hardships, but throughout all the struggles the faithfulness of our Lord was evident in his life. RC looked forward to being with his Savior and one day to be reunited with the rest of his family. We also look forward to seeing this willing servant of the Lord on that great and glorious day when we are all united again in glory. We see in him a good example to follow of kindness and living blamelessly before others.

And I heard a voice from heaving saying to me, “Write, Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from here on: Yes, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.” (Rev. 14:13)


RESOLUTION 77:08 On Marriage


RESOLUTION 76:06 The Anti-Religious Freedom Mandate in the Patient “Protection” and “Affordable” Care Act