RESOLUTION 77:08 On Marriage
Whereas marriage is a covenant relationship and an institution established by God rather than simply by human construct (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6; Ephesians 5:22-33);
And whereas the Bible Presbyterian Church reaffirms the historic and biblical definition of marriage, and the need for it in our society;
And whereas the external attacks by government and the silence of a majority of the churches on upholding biblical marriage have weakened that institution almost to the point of ruin;
And whereas advocates of same sex marriage, aided by a weakened church and political movements, have used of the courts and bypassed the will of the people;
Be it resolved that we, the 77th General Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church, meeting at Grand Island, NY, August 1-6, 2013, do strongly encourage our churches to continue in their programs of marriage counseling, with the proper biblical view of human sexuality and relationships, in contrast to the degenerating trend of government and many other denominations.