Resolution 79-01: The Presbyterian Church (USA) and Same-Sex “Marriage”

The presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church (USA) gave final approval this spring to their proposed change in the definition of marriage from being between “one man and one woman” to being between “two persons.” The PCUSA has once again demonstrated its apostasy in continuing to set aside infallible Biblical standards and replacing them with worldly standards. In distinction the Bible Presbyterian Church continues its confidence in the Word of God and the character of marriage as it is ordained by God and explained in the Westminster Confession of Faith.

Recently, following the United States Supreme Court finding that same-sex “marriage” is a constitutional right, the Presbyterian News Service reported on June 26, “The Presbyterian Church (USA) is celebrating the U. S. Supreme Court ruling that same- gender couples have a constitutional right to marry nationwide, striking down bans in 14 states . . . Church leaders believe today’s ruling is a right step in the right direction as society’s views have continued to change in recent years.”

According to the Layman Online, July 6, Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, director of the denomination’s Office of Public Witness said that it’s “always good when the church is at the front end of a movement such as this and catches the spirit in the wind where people are attempting to move society and give voice to those who have long been silenced.”

We, the 79th General Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church, meeting at Grace Bible Presbyterian Church in Cape Canaveral, Florida, calls upon the PCUSA to repent of its attack upon the biblical definition of marriage (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6), and we call upon Bible-believing Christians to join in the defense of biblical marriage.


Resolution 79:02: Catholicism and the Biblical Family


Resolution 78–03: The Presbyterian Church in the United States of America