Resolution 79:02: Catholicism and the Biblical Family
Whereas, with the coming of Pope Francis to Philadelphia in September 2015 for the World Meeting of Families, many Protestant churches today are extremely negligent in warning the people of the land concerning the propaganda of the Roman Catholic Church for its promotion of idolatrous beliefs and in its deceiving people into accepting the authority of its pronouncements as equal to authority of the Bible;
Now, therefore, be it resolved that we, the 79th General Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church, meeting at the Grace Bible Presbyterian Church in Cape Canaveral, Florida, August 6-11, 2015, call upon all Bible-believing pastors to promote biblical guidelines for the family, and to warn their people against the socialistic and “extreme” environmentalist views of this pope who is the earthly head of this troubled church which is based on man-made traditions, unbiblical church dogma, and idol veneration, denying the message of the Gospel that “the just shall live by faith” (Galatians 1:6-9).