Resolution 83:02: Defunding Planned Parenthood
Whereas, Planned Parenthood is the leading abortion provider in the United States; and Whereas, Planned Parenthood is continuing the eugenics program established by its founder, Margaret Sanger; and Whereas, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit stayed the three injunctions against the “Protect Life” federal regulations defunding Planned Parenthood, thus terminating Planned Parenthood’s use of taxpayer funds …
Resolution 83:05: Memorial for Peter Pavuk
Elder Peter Pavuk, of the Wilson Presbyterian Church of Clairton, Pennsylvania, having died on July 31, 2015, and passed on to the glory of heaven and his Lord, is hereby memorialized. Elder Peter “Pete” Pavuk was born on June 27, 1923 in Hecla, Pennsylvania to the late Andrew and Barbara Hnatko Pavuk. Pete attended Grove City College where he graduated …
Resolution 83:04: On the Canons of Dort
Whereas, this year is the 400th anniversary of the Synod of Dort which met 1618-1619 to formally respond to the errors of James Arminius and his followers; and Whereas, that venerable body was an international synod seeking the counsel of God’s ministers not only from the Netherlands, but also various regions of Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, France, and other European …
Resolution 83:06: Memorial for Ronald Dudley
Ron Dudley served as an elder of Suncoast Bible Presbyterian Church in Palm Harbor, Florida for ten years. He was a faithful officer, a prayer warrior, and in church every time the doors were open. His desire was to see the church prosper in the things of the Lord. Ron was born on October 24, 1934 in Whitinsville, MA and …
Resolution 83:07: Memorial for John V. Koontz
John Koontz was born in Baltimore, MD on April 13, 1926. On June 22, 2019, at the age of 93, he went home to heaven. John and his sister, Grace, moved to Florida in 1997. Their father was a Presbyterian minister. John never married. John’s life was devoted to serving and magnifying his Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. John served …
Resolution 83:09: Of Thanks
The Synod wishes to express its gratitude to the Tacoma Bible Presbyterian Church for hosting the 83rd General Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church, August 1-5, 2019.
Resolution 82:01: Resolution of Thanks to the Lakeland Bible Presbyterian Church
The 82nd General Synod expresses its heartfelt thanks to the Lakeland Bible Presbyterian Church for your warm hospitality in hosting this year’s synod meetings. Your church’s thoughtful preparations were manifold, and our delegates were blessed to see your members working cheerfully to make your guests comfortable. May the Lord multiply the efforts of the gospel ministry in Lakeland as your …
Resolution 82:02: Memorial for Richard Hooper
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. – 1 Corinthians 15:57 Richard “Dick” Hooper served as an elder at Grace Bible Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio for over 20 years. Much of his time was spent serving on various committees, such as the missions committee, fellowship committee, and as a meticulous clerk of Session. …
Resolution 82:03: Memorial for Byonghun Song
Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. – II Corinthians 5:6-9 Born October 20, 1970, in South Korea, Byonghun Song was prayed for as a covenant child that one day he would give his life to Jesus as His Saviour and then in Christian service. The prayers of his godly parents were honored. Twenty …
Resolution 82:05: Persecution of a Missionary—Andrew Brunson
Whereas, American citizen Pastor Andrew Brunson has been imprisoned in Turkey for more than nineteen months on questionable charges of “engaging in espionage and using his church as a cover for the Kurdish military group, the PKK” (World magazine, June 9, 2018); and Whereas, Pastor Brunson is one of 35,000 people currently awaiting trial under the regime of Turkey leader, …
Resolution 82:06: On Opposition to Jesus Christ and ‘Religious Freedom”
WHEREAS, Freedom from State-established religion (e.g., the Church of England) and freedom from the prohibition on the free exercise of religion are two sides of the very first of the fundamental liberties specified in the United States Bill of Rights; and WHEREAS, Freedom of religion is greatly maligned, mocked, and outrightly rejected by many people, and even by governments, as …
Resolution 82:07: On the Doctrine of Justification
Preamble In every generation, the doctrine of justification by faith alone comes under attack. As the heart of the gospel, the doctrine of justification is most fundamental to the definition of salvation and any adequate understanding of the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ. In our current cultural …
Resolution 81:04: Memorial Resolution for Elder Neil VanCleve
Neil Edwin VanCleve passed away on Saturday, December 17, 2016 at The Mount Pleasant Rehabilitation Facility in Monroe Ohio. In addition to being married to the love of his life, Linda, Neil left behind three adult children: Rodney VanCleve of Monroe, Philip VanCleve of Mason, as well as one daughter Renee Metz of Southgate, Kentucky. Neil was a true churchman …
Resolution 81:03: Memorial Resolution for John Kruhman
“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord… That they may rest from their labors; And their works to follow them.” Revelation14:13 John Kruhmin served faithfully as an Elder in the Suncoast Bible Presbyterian Church, Palm Harbor, Florida. John and his wife Lillian were a faithful and consistent part of their church’s ministry. John died at age 90 on …
Resolution 81:02 – Intolerance of Christians
Whereas, recently, an individual nominated for deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget, by the president was taken to task during his confirmation hearings, by two US Senators, one of them a former presidential candidate; and Whereas, this nominee was declared to be unfit by one of the Senators, because, as a professing Christian, who believes the only …
Resolution 81:01 – Christian Colorado Case and the United States Supreme Court
Whereas, the United States Supreme Court recently ruled that it will hear the appeal of the case involving the Christian Colorado baker, Jack Phillips, who, because of his religious convictions, would not make a wedding cake for two gay men who were planning on getting “married;” and, Whereas, one of the homosexual men said, “Businesses should not be allowed to …
Resolution 81:05: Tribute to Reformation 500
Five hundred years ago the Protestant Reformation brought untold benefits that are still felt today. As opposed to the centralized, monolithic Church of Rome under the authority of one man, the Protestant Reformation began the decentralization of the western church. Escape from a remote ecclesiastical hierarchy that was detached and self-perpetuating led to the ultimate establishment of reformation churches through …
Resolution 81:06 – Resolution of Thanks
The 81st General Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church, meeting in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, from August 3-7, 2017, desires to express its heartiest appreciation for the splendid hospitality extended to it by the congregation of our host church, the Edmonton Bible Presbyterian Church, and to the church ladies, who provided a tasty breakfast each morning. The Christian fellowship has been …
Resolution 80:03: PCUSA General Assembly and Its Muslim Prayers to Allah
Whereas, the Presbyterian Church (USA), at its 222nd General Assembly; and Whereas, an Islamic prayer was one of the first orders of business for the Assembly and was arranged for by the PCUSA Ecumenical and Interfaith Ministry staff (note the text of the prayer below); and Whereas, this is an example of the continuing apostasy; and Whereas, Mateen Elass, a …
Resolution 80:01: The Mandate of god’s word
The Church of Christ is called to be salt and light in the world. If society does not hear the truth concerning God, man, sin, and salvation from its mouth, it is failing in its duty to the Lord and to mankind. “Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know …